ALL of the following options are provided by the SecurePlatform sysconfig utility, EXCEPT:
A. DHCP Server configuration
B. GUI Clients
C. Time & Date
D. Export setup
Answer: B
Which of the following options is available with the SecurePlatform cpconfig utility?
A. GUI Clients
B. Time & Date
C. Export setup
D. DHCP Server configuration
Answer: A
Which command would provide the most comprehensive diagnostic information to Check Point Technical Support?
A. diag
B. cpinfo -o date.cpinfo.txt
C. netstat > date.netstat.txt
D. cpstat > date.cpatat.txt
Answer: B
Which of the following statements accurately describes the snapshot command?
A. snapshot creates a full OS-level backup, including network-interface data, Check Point product
information, and configuration settings during an upgrade of a SecurePlatform Security Gateway.
B. A Gateway snapshot includes configuration settings and Check Point product information from the
remote Security Management Server.
C. snapshot creates a full system-level backup of the Security Management Server on any OS
D. snapshot stores only the system-configuration settings on the Gateway.
Answer: A
How do you recover communications between your Security Management Server and Security Gateway if you lock yourself out via a rule or policy mis-configuration?
A. fw delete all.all@localhost
B. cpstop
C. fw unloadlocal
D. fw unload policy
Answer: C
How can you check whether IP forwarding is enabled on an IP Security Appliance?
A. clish -c show routing active enable
B. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding
C. ipsofwd list
D. cat/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Answer: C
For normal packet transmission of an accepted communication to a host protected by a Security Gateway, how many lines per packet are recorded on a packet analyzer like Wireshark using fw monitor?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. None
Answer: B
How can I verify the policy version locally installed on the Firewall?
A. fw ver
B. fw ctl iflist
C. fw ver -k
D. fw stat
Answer: D
If you run fw monitor without any parameters, what does the output display?
A. In /var/adm/monitor. Out
B. On the console
C. In /tmp/log/monitor ?out
D. In / var/log/monitor. out
Answer: B
What is the desired outcome when running the command cpinfo -z -o cpinfo.out?
A. Send output to a file called cpinfo.out in compressed format.
B. Send output to a file called cpinfo.out in usable format for the CP InfoView utility.
C. Send output to a file called cpinfo.out without address resolution.
D. Send output to a file called cpinfo.out and provide a screen print at the same time.
Answer: A
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